вторник, 21 июля 2009 г.

Parabolan (trenbolone cyclohexylmethylcarbonate)

Parabolan is one of these medicines, which are of short duration (Negm finally dragged on the market) and made a huge impact very quickly. Dan Duchaine was the first person to write about it in his underground complex Steroid Handbook Update Newsletter. In his writings, he suggested that you do not want to go over 2 amps per week of the original product Negm (amps each is 76mg, and if you want to know why this is so, because each gives the Ampère user specifically 50mg trenbolone after your body by esterases separated from HexaHydroBencyl Carbonate ester). Unfortunately, not many people really have a chance to experiment with the original Parabolan, as it was withdrawn from the market very quickly Negm (abolished in 1997). This creates a very strange situation where the product is used with success, several people in a very short time, then, in principle, inaccessible after. It is essentially created a cult for drugs. Past decade, and counterfeits stormed the market until Duchaine (again) wrote an article on the extraction of trenbolone Finaplex pellet, then sterilize in order to create your own trenbolone acetate, even if it ' was not Parabolan, it soon reduced the popularity of counterfeit Parabolan. Tren was Tren, in most eyes, regardless of the ether. "Fina" kit "(complete set, which allows the owner of the station) and then flooded the market, using a loophole in which the pellets and kit were purchased legally, but it is clear that the manufacture and use of steroid injections in the kitchen, is illegal. Blinks a few years, trenbolone acetate is available, many laboratories, and trenbolone enanthate became available, and now, even Parabolan (which is the basis for Trenbolone + A HexaHydroBencyl Carbonate Ester) is readily available in most major laboratories. Steroid.com A visit to any person or a larger forum to testify that Parabolan's cult has not yet been reduced. Let's see why. Parabolan neither affected by aromatase or 5alpha-reductase. This means that it is neither weak nor very sensitive to androgen target tissues, and this function is generally shared by DHT (DyhydroTestosterone) received steroids; Since Parabolan, of course, trenbolone, it is not DHT derived but rather, it stems from the 19-Nor-testosterone .. Parabolan no estrogenic activity (May actually reduce the level of estradiol in the body), is a very strong anabolic and androgenic compounds (5x stronger than testosterone in both categories!), And it binds to receptors of androgens. In fact, binding "good" to the androgen receptor is very low. There is no injectable AAS in our arsenal that binds to the androgen receptor (AR) and trenbolone ago. This is probably one of the main reasons that Parabolan so saught after for use as an agent precontest. Androgen receptors in fat cells and muscle cells (8), and we all know that they act on the AR in muscle cells to stimulate growth, but they androgens act directly on the AR in fat cells to burn fat influences. (9) (6) Strengthening the androgen binds to the RA, above lipolytic (fat) on body fat (FAT), textiles (9) (5). As if this were not enough good news, steroids even increase the number of RA in the muscle and fat (9) (10), which led me to speculate that this fat loss effect would be reinforced by the simultaneous use of other compounds such as testosterone injections. Another mechanism that Parabolan causes muscle accumulation and fat loss is its capacity as agent of nutrient partitioning. (7) In principle, this means that while using Tren, more food you eat and the muscles become smaller (if any) will be fat. Indeed, as you can see, most of Parabolan in a cult reputation is well deserved ... And as if this were not enough, Parabolan significantly increased the level of IGF-1 in muscle tissue (2), which in itself is an anabolic hormone. And it is interesting to note that not only increase the level of IGF-1 in muscle more than twice (2), it also causes muscle satellite cells (the cell repair damaged muscles), which would be more sensitive with IGF-1 and other growth factors (3). This leads me to assume that Parabolan (or any other version of Tren) would be synergistic within a cycle containing any form of IGF-1 injection. Parabolan also happens to bind strongly to glucocorticoid receptors, as well as this, in turn, provides an anti-catabolic effect ... What help in May partly explain why low (ish) doses, it seems to work fine, and the reasons for loss of grease AIDS. You see, glucocorticoid hormones send a message to muscle cells to release stored protein (this is called catabolism), which is exactly the opposite, that we want. This medication especially batteries and all, especially testosterone (in fact, if you want to avoid sexual dysfunction, stacking of testing required). I also found that what is great to stack containing the equation, but unfortunately the insomnia the Parabolan gives me added appetite equalizer me midnight snacking almost inevitable. Parabolan is most often used in the cutting of the batteries when the "quality muscles" favored strengthening the size and water. In fact, I think Parabolan (or friction) is very "strong" anabolic but it has been used successfully by many as Bulking and cutting cycles. It's not all good news, but ... Parabolan Side Effects Some users report sexual dysfunction Torque (Tren-Dick) and symptoms of gyno (probably progesterone related, effective trenbolone on progesterone receptor but not estrogen receptor). As you know, trenbolone, unfortunately, a progestin: it binds to the receptor of progesterone, female sex hormone (about 60% of the actual progesterone) (4). In the hyper-sensitive steroid.com members, this can lead to increase growth and breast in combination with estrogen or aromatization product, but probably not (14), worse yet, the active metabolite Trenbolone (17beta-trenbolone ) has a binding affinity for the receptors of progesterone, which is actually greater than progesterone itself (5). There was no panic, however, the aromatase inhibitor Lertrozole May also reduce the level of progesterone, and to fight against all parties progestenic (15) (16). I would strongly consider its inclusion in .25-.5mgs/day in a cycle containing Parabolan or 19-nor complex. Paradoxically, despite the section is an excellent cutting drug, it will be below the level of your thyroid gland (11). At the same time, using the body-negative feedback cycle, and increases in prolactin. Ergo, I recommend taking T3 (25mcgs/day) with your Tren to avoid suffering from increased levels of prolactin and a host of undesirable side effects that result in May. For these reasons, many people avoid stacking Tren with a bridge (nandrolone decanoate), which is also a progestin (4). Mental changes in the well-known side effect of any type of trenbolone use (12), and the issue is no exception to this rule. Androgens increase chemicals in the brain that promote aggressive behavior (13), which May be useful for some athletes wanting to improve the speed and power, but perhaps at the expense of those trying to work as an employee social. Fortunately, I have not known as an ambassador of good will, in general, this side effect is largely unnoticed by me. For me, the worst effects of any kind Trenbolone is "Tren cough" which I get over the first 2 weeks of my cycle, and includes the connection. Tren enanthate not have that effect on me, but sometimes Parabolan; acetate Tren gives me a negative Tren-Cough in the first week, or that I am at it. In addition, any Tren gives me a little sleep, which is common to many users. The most notable side effect of Parabolan for me is that it increases my sweating dramatically, even giving me vicious "night sweats" perfectly with my insomnia. Mounted at May I also penetrate pearls, then, when I have about this product. In addition, it should be noted that many people experience reduced cardiovascular using the clause (12), and I fall into this category. Nevertheless, a tremendous impact on my strength and appearance mean that this will be my rounds of the season and winter (when sweating is not so much on the problem). Parabolan Profile (Trenbolone Base + HexaHydroBencyl Carbonate Ester) [17beta-hydroxyestr-4 ,9,11-trien-3-one] Formula: C20 H24 O3 Molecular Weight (base): 270.3706 Molecular Weight (ester): 130.1864 Formula (base): C18 H22 O2 Melting Point (base): 183-186C Manufacturer: (originally) Negm, Various Underground Labs Effective Dose (men): 300-500mgs/week Effective Dose (Women): Not recommended Active Life: 5-7 days Detection time: 4-5 weeks Anabolic / Androgenic ratio: 500/500 References: Br J Nutr. 1978 Nov; 40 (3) :563-72. J Cell Physiol. 2004 Nov; 201 (2) :181-9. Endocrinology. May 1989; 124 (5) :2110-7. Cancer Res 1978 Nov 38 (11 Pt 2) :4186-98 APMIS. December 2000, 108 (12) :838-46. (Xu X et al. Effect of androgens on the regulation of lipolysis in fat cells. Endocrinology 1990 Feb; 126 (2): 1229). J Anim Phys.-Math. 1992 Nov; 70 (11) :3381-90. Am J Physiol. June 1998, 274 (6 Pt 1): C1645-52. Biochim Biophys Acta. 11 May 1995; 1244 (1) :117-20. J Appl. Physiol.94 1153-61 2003 Res Vet Science 1981 Jan, 30 (1) :7-13 Steroid.com forums. Med Science Sports Exerc. January 2003, 35 (1) :32-8 Progesterone is not essential to the differentiation potential of the epithelium of mammary glands in male mice. Freeman, Topper. Endocrinology. July 1978; 103 (1) :186-92 Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2002 Nov 15; 105 (2) :161-5. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1995 Sep; 80 (9) :2658-60.

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