вторник, 21 июля 2009 г.

Primobolan (methenolone acetate)

(methenolone acetate) Primobolan is one of those anabolic steroids, which has a cult like the old original version of Masteron. Indeed, as can be seen from its anabolic: androgenic is lower in profile, it is rather weak steroid, but it is actually stronger (!) Masteron that in both cases. I do not know anyone who has the prospect of a connection to the same dose. We are probably justified in speculating that you will probably get similar results from one of them, given that you get a little less of the drug and more airtime when you choose the Primobolan injectable (which has a large enanthate ester attached) during Masteron (which has a very short propionate ester attached). In truth, I believe, in part, Primobolan, many users were disappointed that it is not enough to use it for long enough. Since its chemical structure and anabolic: androgenic rating, we can assume that it is at least as effective as equal Masteron mg mg base. However, because of its ester (in the version for injection), we must run for at least 12 weeks to see all the benefits thereof. If you think a miserable dose 400mg of this material for 12 weeks, probably cost about $ 500. It is easy to understand why many people try to use less ... and they were disappointed by their results. On the other hand, competition from many bodybuilders Primobolan indespensible consider their pre-competition Drud usual, and not consider a food without it. But ... I think the comparison with Masteron (another great precontest drugs) is the best we can do, given the expected results and outcomes. It remains one of the few people who use drostanolone enanthate (Masteron enanthate ester attached) as well as methenolone enanthate (Primobolan injectable). I can tell you that the results of these two compounds, when air power and mg are the same, in fact, very similar. Step Primobolan Allow us to clarify some of the different overall effects of Primobolan, before arriving at the distinction between oral and injectable versions ... A study on sheep in the administration of 100mg methenolone and electronically enabling lats (electronic stimulation was used, because they kept falling chin-up bar). In all cases, compared with LAT muscles of sheep that are not methenolone, the host team a lot more muscle mass and strength (1) (2). It also has a high affinity for binding to AR, in fact, better than the binding of testosterone (3). This ability to bind strongly with the AR Primobolan May be the reason why a good fat burner. " Strong AR-binding is positively correlated with lypolysis (fats) (8). In addition, as in May actually help reduce steroids breast tumors, but other products should be considered for use with Primobolan and in fact, in May this be a useful tool in its own right, similar to Masteron. In addition, like Masteron, Primobolan has no tendency to aromatization (conversion to estrogen). As she aromatization, many side effects commonly associated with estrogen do not worry. This means, retention, acne, and gyno will be no more or less. This lack of water combined with the slow and steady gains provided by Primo May help to explain why he has earned a reputation for creating quality muscle gains. This also helps explain why it is so expensive. Although the parties not estrogen anxiety, hair loss is a very real concern with Primobolan, like many DHT derived steroids. Many fans are still primobolan and finasteride Ketoconazole (shampoo) in cycles with Primobolan. Although no one has ever suggest using Primobolan agent, was studied as an agent to stop the loss and possibly a large number of reversing the adverse effects of anemia. It is a shocking failure in these two areas, according to some case studies I've read, (5) (6), and this should not come as a surprise for everyone. Anadrol reigns supreme in this area, and nobody in the sports community would never compare the two drugs. However, Michael Mooney, and many other doctors who work with AIDS patients have found sufficient evidence to say that the Primobolan is Immune Enhancer and as such is very useful for people living with AIDS (which is concerned about the FDA ... Primobolan are not yet approved for sale in the United States). AIDS patients, Bulking not need drugs, and immune system enhancer as Primo, adding a small improvement in the quality of the muscle is ideal for them. And since we do not even vaguely considering using Primobolan an agent, we clearly begin to consider for use in obtaining and maintaining lean tissue. It is an excellent choice for this purpose and many competitors have used successfully to retain muscle while on reducing calories. Why Primo is useful for this purpose is that one of its main functions is to help your body to maintain nitrogen (7) to strengthen significantly the course. Plus you retain nitrogen, the more muscle to build. In the case of Primo as a pre-contest drug, this retention of nitrogen will help you keep your muscles and make sure that your diet contributes to a loss of body fat primarily from the loss of muscle. Primobolan steroids unique in that it is one of the few that occurs at the hearing and the injection. I think, and Winstrol, but in fact, an ester of Primobolan oral (acetate) and injectable (enanthate) version. The oral version is one of the most interesting interpretations of compounds I looked. First, it is one of the few compounds for athletes and bodybuilders, which is both oral and non-17-alpha-alkylation. This change (and I'm sure you remember other things I have written), which is usually oral steroids to survive their first pass metabolism, but also makes Hepatoxic (liver? Toxic). Well ... Oral primo is not this feature, it is very gentle to the liver (in fact it is largely in the liver of all poisons), but also largely destroyed, and 17 and 1 beta estrification alkylation is the method used to make this material available orally. You'll need to take a lot of material that is effective ... 100mgs/day version of the oral cavity is a safe estimate of female success, you can go with a smaller, perhaps 25mgs/day. Although the acetate ester of the active life of 2-3 days, your liver will do some damage to the Primo oral daily dosage is needed. When men were given 30-45mg oral dose of Primo, they experienced a decline of 15-65% of the level of gonadotropin (9). Remember, I said it is a 100mg dose to achieve good ... Well, you can also reduce the level of gonadotropin significantly. Personally, I never understood why people recommend that the oral or injectable Primobolan can overcome the complex for this reason ... May be too low-DO-a dose of 10mg may be used as a link. And forget using injectable Primo on deck and Hey ... Talking about injectable Primo ... I used this material in 200mgs/week and was not very impressed by him. In general, I think, Primo injection should be used at a dose of at least 350mgs/week (100mgs/Every another day), and preferably at a dose of 400-600mgs/week. For me, it works with testosterone propionate, but for practical reasons, I think most people is the testosterone enanthate, in order to maintain the same dosing times (shooting twice a week, in most cases). Buy Primobolan Unfortunately, the truth about injectable Primo, it is very costly to obtain chemicals and the price is factored into the costs for the average consumer. Ten dollars per bulb 1ml/100mg not heard, and I saw him do much more. This, of course, absurd. As if this were not enough, it is also the most often counterfeited steroids on the black market. I recommend to buy Primobolan (oral or injectable) renowned underground lab, rather than playing the game "spot fake steroids" in Mexico and Europe. The underground version costs $ 5.7 per 100mg of methenolone and I would not consider to pay more for it, but I have seen British Dragon version of the product, the price to $ 20/ml. Primobolan profile (Methenolone) (Oral acetate Ester + version) (Version enanthate injection + Ester) [17beta-hydroxy-1-methyl-5alpha-androst-1-ene-3-one] Molecular weight of base: 302.4558 The molecular weight acetate ester: 60.0524 Enanthate ester Molecular Weight: 130.1864 Formula: C20H30O2 Melting point: Manufacturer: Schering Effective dose (oral): (Men) 50-100mgs/day (Women) 10-25mgs/day Effective dose (injectable) (Men) 350-600mgs/week (Women) 100mgs/week Active Life: 10-14 days (for injection), 4-6h (oral) Detection time: 4-5 weeks Anabolic / Androgenic Ratio (Range): 88:44-57 References: Anabolic steroids (metenolone) improvement of muscle activity and hemodynamic characteristics cardiomyoplasty. Ann Thorac Surg. April 1995, 59 (4) :961-9, discussion 969-70. Impact on anabolic steroids (metenolone) on the contractile performance of the chronically stimulated latissimus muscle of sheep. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 1994, 8 (4) :214-9. Relative binding affinity of anabolic-androgenic steroids: comparison of binding to androgen receptors in skeletal muscle and the gland and the hormone-binding globulin sex. Endocrinology. June 1984, 114 (6) :2100-6. [Anabolic therapy of metastatic breast cancer] Med Klin. 20 November 1981, 76 (24) :689-91. German. Partial remission and severe adverse reactions caused by metenolone acetate in a male patient with aplastic anemia. Eur J Haematol. 55 July 1995 (1) :57-8. Death of a patient with severe aplastic anemia after treatment with acetate metenolone. Ann Hematol. July 1993, 67 (1) :41-3. Metabolic effects of anabolic steroids. Wien Med Wochenschr. 1993, 143 (14-15) :368-75. Biochim Biophys Acta. 11 May 1995; 1244 (1) :117-20. Comparative studies on the impact of MetenoloneAcetate mesterolone and pituitary and male gonads. Arzneimittelforshung. 1970 20 (4) 545-7

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