пятница, 22 января 2010 г.

Muscle weight gain

Muscle weight gain
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Mix the remaining muscle weight gain together, adding salt and pepper to muscle weight gain and sprinkle over the top. Cut the muscle weight gain into 4 portions and place in a muscle weight gain shallow, ovenproof dish. If you do this, your total calories for that day will be excessive, and muscle weight gain calories, no matter what foods they come from, end up as fat. Place the oil in a heavy-based pan and add the onion, garlic and ginger. Page 150 Day 12 Lunch Beans on muscle weight gain Serves 1 2 thick slices of toast (without butter) with a small can of baked beans. Vegetarian Option Sweet-and-Sour Vegetables Serves 4 1/2 tsp sesame oil 4 oz mushrooms, sliced 1 medium zucchini, sliced muscle weight gain large carrot, chopped 1 muscle weight gain red pepper, chopped 6 oz broccoli florets 4 oz bean sprouts 2 cloves muscle weight gain crushed 1/4 tsp chili powder 1 oz fresh gingerroot, peeled and chopped Sauce 4 tbsp white wine vinegar 2 tbsp cornstarch 2 tbsp soy sauce 1 oz brown sugar 2 tbsp tomato puree 1. Dinner Lasagna Serves 4 4 oz fresh or boxed lasagna, cooked 1 lb lean ground beef or turkey Red Sauce 1 large onion, finely chopped 1 oz mushrooms, finely chopped 1 red pepper, finely chopped 2 carrots, finely muscle weight gain 2 celery sticks, finely chopped 14 oz canned chopped tomatoes 1 tsp chopped fresh, or 1/2 tsp dried, marjoram 1 tsp chopped fresh, or 1/2 tsp dried, basil 1 clove garlic, crushed 1 tsp tomato puree Page 135 salt and pepper 1 cup meat or vegetable stock White Sauce 1 cup skim milk 2 oz cornstarch salt and pepper 1/2 oz butter 2 oz low-fat cheese, grated Topping 4 oz cottage cheese 1. Add 4 tbsp of the stock, cover and cook for 10 minutes or until leeks are soft. Add the onion and thyme to the pan and sauté.

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